This Privacy Notice explains what to expect when Nicole Wyatt Music (NWM) collects and uses your personal information. Please read it carefully.
NWM’s Promise
NWM is committed to respecting your privacy and that of all our students ensuring the personal information you have entrusted to us is processed in accordance with The Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey Law, 2017 (DP Law).
How we collect personal data
We collect personal data from you when you or your child makes the decision to begin music lessons, individually or at Baby Beats and Pulse.
The personal information we collect
• The name of the student, and date of birth.
• The name of the student’s parent (if the student is under 18 years old)
• Contact details including email address and mobile telephone number
• Information relating to special needs or medical conditions
Sensitive Personal Data
The DP Law recognises some information as ‘sensitive personal data’. This includes, but is not limited to, information which reveals health issues, race or ethnic origin. NWM will always treat any sensitive personal data we process with the greatest care and process the information in accordance with the DP Law.
Why we collect your personal information
We collect your personal information:
• For the administration of organising and arranging music lessons and/or events relating to the
business of NWM
• In order to send you invoices, newsletters and other information relating to NWM
Who we share your information with
We will share your information with the member of staff who is teaching you or your child. This is to enable them to contact you should a lesson be cancelled or rescheduling be necessary.
If you or your child has authorised us to make an entry for a music examination, only yours/your child’s name and date of birth will be submitted to the awarding body to enable us to make the entry.
We will never pass your information on to a third party without your prior consent.
How long we keep your data
We will delete data to the extent practicable, and as soon as reasonably possible, once the relationship ends but will retain such data as is necessary to comply with law or regulation.
Your information rights and choices
The DP Law gives you the right:
• To request in writing and securely obtain copies of the personal information NWM holds about you.
• To correct or update your personal information processed by NWM.
• To request NWM to stop using your personal information for marketing purposes
or for any other purpose where there is no legal requirement for continued processing.
Reporting concerns
Please contact Nicole Perrio, if you wish to raise a concern about NWM’s handling of your personal information:
2 Camblez Apartments, Queens Road, St Peter Port. GY1 1PS.